Saturday, May 29, 2010

McLaren boss calls Veyron "junk," claims Top Gear race with F1 staged

When you've been responsible for as many Formula One World Championships and devastatingly fast supercars – including the new McLaren MP4-12C (pictured above) – as Ron Dennis, you're entitled to speak your mind... and for others to listen up. The executive chairman and part owner of the McLaren Group, Dennis has earned a reputation for his outspoken opinion, and this time directed his criticism toward the venerable Bugatti Veyron.

In a recent interview, Dennis characterized the Veyron as a "piece of junk" and "pig ugly". Why don't you tell us how you really feel, Ron?

The speed guru went on to allege that the race staged by Top Gear between the Veyron and McLaren's own venerable F1 supercar on the streets of Abu Dhabi was exactly that... staged. According to Dennis, the McLaren had the Bugatti handily beat on every run, and that the video footage was edited to make it seem like the Veyron was the quicker of the two. Check it out after the jump and decide for yourself.



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